>> Numerické simulácie prenosu tepla a hmoty <<
This page was created with the support of the project KEGA 047ŽU-4/2022.

Project Annotation
In today's fast time, it places great emphasis on effective and economically undemanding quick optimization, new product development and improving their quality and competitiveness. These research requirements are significantly influenced by research and development using numerical simulations of fluid dynamics, which are used in various industries (eg energy, automotive, aerospace and space) to optimize and develop new products (eg reducing energy intensity, reducing the cost of prototyping or shape optimization).
The use of these numerical simulations of fluid dynamics is already at a high level today and due to the fact that no necessary literature written in the Slovak language has been published yet, this publication may be suitable not only for students, scientists and researchers of Slovak universities with a technical focus, but also for professionals in practice from technical departments and designers.
During the project, we want to develop textbooks entitled "Numerical simulations of heat and mass transfer" in printed form with instructions for creating numerical models, which will be available in electronic form with illustrations, as well as video instructions to help get acquainted with the issue. Theory and techniques of numerical simulations of heat and mass transfer by finite volume method in ANSYS Workbench software environment. The outputs will show various approaches to the solution and ways of evaluating the solved problems on the created models. The publication will incorporate many new findings in the field of numerical simulations, which the researchers acquired during their scientific research activities.