prof. Ing. Jozef Jandačka, PhD.
Jozef Jandačka is a Rector of the University of Zilina, Slovakia. Previously he was at positions of Vice-Rector for Development (2014-2018), Head of the Department of Power Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Zilina (2006-2014) and Deputy Head and Secretary of the Department of Thermal and Hydraulic Machines of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Zilina (1997-2006). He is author of several papers in Europe and abroad. He is a member of several scientific project teams and as well as since the year 2005 he also member of the Union Commission in the field of study 5.2.6. Energy Machines and Equipment at the University of Zilina.
Research Interests
In his work he is focusing on energy machines and equipment and on transport machines and equipment design, as well as on experimental determination of bed temperatures during wood pellet combustion, analysis of paper sludge pellets for energy utilization and fuel change possibilities in small heat source. Previously he was focusing on hydraulic machines and equipment, hydromechanics, power machines, gas industry and experimental methods.
- Member of the State Examination Commission in the Bachelor program Environmental Technology, SjF, ŽU v Žiline (2006 - up to now)
- Member of the State Examination Commission in engineering study program Environmental Technology SjF, ŽU v Žiline (2006 - up to now)
- Chairman of the State Examination Commission in engineering study program Energy machinery and equipment, SjF, TU Košice (2006 - up to now)
- member of the faculty union committee in the field doctorate 5.2.6 Energy machinery and equipment, SjF ŽU v Žiline (2006 – up to now)
- member of the faculty union committee in the field doctorate 5.2.6 Energy machinery and equipment, SjF TU Košice (2007 – up to now)
- Co-guarantor for habilitation and inauguration proceedings in the field 5.2.6 Energy Machinery, SjF ŽU v Žiline
- Tutor doctoral study branch 5.2.6 Energy machinery and equipment (2007 – up to now)
- Member of the commission for examination and dissertation committees for the defense of dissertations (od 2000 - up to now)
- Member of the commission for habilitation and inauguration proceedings (od 2000 - up to now)
- members of the committee SKSI for authentication tests in categories engineer for technical, technological, energy and construction
- members of the committee SKSI for Proficiency for certification of buildings
- authorized engineer SKSI categories engineer for technical, technological, energy and construction
- qualified person for the certification of buildings for the profession of heating and hot water
- qualified person for energy audits
- Modelling of heat transfer in the evaporator and condenser of the working fluid in the heat pipe; LENHARD, R. - MALCHO, M. - JANDAČKA, J.; In: Heat transfer engineering [print], ISSN 0145-7632, roč. 40, č. 3-4 (2019), s. 215-226.
ADC - evidované SCOPUS, WoS, cc - IF2017 = 1,216
- Experimental determination of bed temperatures during wood pellet combustion; JANDAČKA, J. - MIČIETA, J. - HOLUBČÍK, M. - NOSEK, R.; In: Energy & fuels, ISSN 0887-0624, vol. 31, iss. 3 (2017), pp. 2919-2926.
ADC - evidované SCOPUS, WoS, cc - IF2017 = 3,024
- Analysis of paper sludge pellets for energy utilization; NOSEK, R. - HOLUBČÍK, M. - JANDAČKA, J. - RADAČOVSKÁ, L.; In: BioResources [elektronický zdroj], ISSN 1930-2126, vol. 12, iss. 4 (2017), online, s. 7032-7040.
ADC - evidované SCOPUS, WoS, cc, IF2017= 1,202
- The impact of bark content of wood biomass on biofuel properties; NOSEK, R. - HOLUBČÍK, M. - JANDAČKA, J.; In: BioResources, ISSN 1930-2126, vol. 11, iss. 1 (2016), pp. 44-53.
ADC - evidované SCOPUS, WoS, cc - IF2016/2017 = 1,321
- Environmentálne a energetické aspekty spaľovania biomasy; JANDAČKA, J. - PAPUČÍK, Š. - NOSEK, R. - HOLUBČÍK, M. - KAPJOR, A.; In: 1. vyd., Žilina: Juraj Štefuň - GEORG, 2011, 303 s., [AH 19,1]: obr., tab., ISBN 978-80-89401-40-6.
AAB - vedecká monografia
- JANDAČKA, J. - HOLUBČÍK, M. - PATSCH, M. - VANTÚCH, M.; Moderné zdroje tepla na vykurovanie; In: vedecký redaktor, Peter Palček, 1. vyd., Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2016, 264 s., [AH 17,80; VH 18,34]: obr., tab., ISBN 978-80-554-1230-6.
AAB - vedecká monografia
- JANDAČKA, J. - MIČIETA, J. - HOLUBČÍK, M. - NOSEK, R.; Inovácie na zefektívnenie procesu spaľovania biomasy; In: 1. vyd., Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2016, 265 s., [AH 16,00; VH 16,53]: obr., tab., ISBN 978-80-554-1236-8.
AAB - vedecká monografia
- ĎURČANSKÝ, P. - JANDAČKA, J.; Viacpalivový rotačný horák so zvýšenou samočistiacou funkciou a spôsob jeho čistenia; Patent/Úžitkový vzor č. 8272 (20180919); In: Banská Bystrica: Úrad priemyselného vlastníctva Slovenskej republiky, 2018, 7 s. Číslo prihlášky: 265-2017. Dátum zverejnenia prihlášky: 20180601
AGJ - úžitkový vzor
- MALCHO, M. - JANDAČKA, J. - ĎURČANSKÝ, P.; Náhradná výmenníková komora teplovzdušného motora s vonkajším spaľovaním; Úžitkový vzor č. 7706; In: Banská Bystrica: Úrad priemyselného vlastníctva SR, 2017. 4 s.: obr. SK Číslo prihlášky: 217-2015. Dátum zverejnenia prihlášky: 5.9.2016. Vestník ÚPV SR č.:09/2016. Dátum zverejnenia: 2.2.2017. Vestník ÚPV SR č.: 02/2017.
Dátum sprístupnenia verejnosti: 19.12.2016.
AGJ - úžitkový vzor
- MALCHO, M. - JANDAČKA, J. - GAVLAS, S.; Zariadenie na sušenie vnútorných zmáčaných plôch sklenených fúkaných polotovarov; Úžitkový vzor č. 7971; In: Banská Bystrica: Úrad priemyselného vlastníctva SR, 2017. - 5 s.: obr. SK Číslo prihlášky: 127-2016. Dátum zverejnenia prihlášky: 3.7.2017. Vestník ÚPV SR č.: 07/2017. Dátum sprístupnenia verejnosti: 23.11.2017.
AGJ - úžitkový vzor