Ing. Patrik Nemec, PhD.


Patrik Nemec - a graduate of the University of Žilina in Žilina, Department of Power Engineering and Equipment at the Department of Power Engineering. He defended his dissertation at the Department of Power Engineering with the topic Research of capillary heat pipes for operating temperatures - 30 to + 50 ° C. He is currently a researcher at the Department of Power Engineering at the University of Žilina in Žilina. It deals with the application of methods of research and development of heat transfer by phase change of the working substance in equipment used for heat transport. Other areas of interest are Heat and mass transfer, Thermomechanics, Fluid mechanics, Heating and ventilation, Experimental measurements of energy machines and equipment.

Workplace: University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Power Engineering,

Address: Univerzitná 8215/1, 01026 Žilina

Phone: +421-41-5132865


Research Interests

           Application of methods of research and development of heat transfer by phase change of the working substance in equipment used for heat transport.

              Reducing the production of emissions from heat sources for solid fuels.



Heating and ventilation systems

Regulation of thermal equipment

Thermal technical properties of building structures

Environmental monitoring


Research Projects

KEGA 048ŽU-4/2019 Flow visualization in environmental engineering

KEGA 033ŽU-4/2018 Heat sources and environmental pollution

VEGA 1/0738/18 Optimization of energy inputs for rapid generation of natural gas hydrates and biomethane for the accumulation of high-potential primary energy



Mathematical model for heat transfer limitations of heat pipe. Nemec, P., Čaja, A., Malcho, M. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2013, 57(1-2), pp. 126-136

Visualization of heat transport in heat pipes using thermocamera. Nemec, P., Caja, A., Lenhard, R. Archives of Thermodynamics, 2010, 31(4), pp. 125-132

Performance parameters of a closed loop thermosiphon. Nemec, P., Malcho, M., Smitka, M., Matusov, J. Komunikacie, 2012, 14(4 A), pp. 53-57

Compare cooling effect of different working fluid in thermosiphon. Hrabovský, P., Nemec, P., Malcho, M. EPJ Web of Conferences, 2015, 92, 02024

Experimental measurement and mathematical calculation evaporator temperatures of closed loop thermosiphon. Nemec, P., Malcho, M., Jandačka, J.AIP Conference Proceedings, 2013, 1558, pp. 2115-2118

Dependence of electric strength on the ambient temperature. Čaja, A., Nemec, P., Malcho, M. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2014, 1608, pp. 12-15

Heat removal from bipolar transistor by loop heat pipe with nickel and copper porous structures. Nemec, P., Smitka, M., Malcho, M. Scientific World Journal, 2014, 2014, 724740

Visualization of working fluid flow in gravity assisted heat pipe. Nemec, P., Malcho, M. EPJ Web of Conferences, 2015, 92, 02053

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