doc. Ing. Richard LENHARD, PhD.


Richard LENHARD is working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Power Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Zilina. His main expertise is in the area of the numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer in power engineering.



He achieved Ing. (international equivalent Magister Scientiæ) in 2006 and in 2009 he finish PhD. (Philosophiae doctor) at University of Zilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Power Engineering, Slovakia.


Research interests:

research natural convection, forced convection, phase change (heat-pipes) and the development their numerical models for simulation in the program Ansys Fluent.



  • ADC – Lenhard, R., Malcho, M. 2013. Numerical simulation device for the transport of geothermal heat with forced circulation of media [Numerická simulácia zariadenia pre transport geotermálneho tepla s núteným obehom média]. In: Mathematical and Computer Modelling. - ISSN 0895-7177. - Vol. 57, Iss. 1-2, (2013), s. 111-125. [Lenhard Richard (50%) - Malcho Milan (50%)]
  • ADC – Lenhard, R., Malcho, M., Jandačka, J. 2019. Modelling of heat transfer in the evaporator and condenser of the working fluid in the heat pipe [print]. In: Heat transfer engineering [print]. - ISSN 0145-7632. - Roč. 40, č. 3-4 (2019), s. 215-226 [print]. [Lenhard Richard (50%) - Malcho Milan (25%) - Jandačka Jozef (25%)]
  • ADE – Emission and power parameters of combined heat source on wood biomass combustion / Jozef Jandačka ... [et al.]. In: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW: Forestry and Wood Technology. - ISSN 1898-5912. - No. 71 (2010), s. 245-249. [Jandačka Jozef (25%) - Kapjor Andrej (25%) - Papučík Štefan (25%) - Lenhard Richard (25%)]
  • ADE – Device for simulation of transfer low potential geothermal heat with heat pipe and with forced circulation of heat carrier = Richard Lenhard ... [et al.] [Zariadenia na simuláciu prenosu nízko-potenciálneho geotermálneho tepla s tepelnou trubicou a s núteným obehom teplonosného média]. In: Global journal of technology and optimization [elektronický zdroj]. - ISSN 2229-8711. - Vol. 2, No. 2 (2011), s. 175-179. [Lenhard Richard (25%) - Malcho Milan (25%) - Jakubský Michal (25%) - Vantúch Martin (25%)]
  • ADE – Modeling of heat transfer passive chilled beam compilation of mathematical model for increasing cooling capacity for passive chilled beam by optimizing his geometrical parameters / Katarína Kaducjová ... [et al.]. In: International journal of engineering innovation & research (IJEIR) [elektronický zdroj]. - ISSN 2277-5668. - Vol. 5 no. 3 (2014), online, s. 624-629.[Kaduchová Katarína (35%) - Lenhard Richard (40%) - Malcho Milan (20%) - Koloničný Jan (5%)]
  • ADE – Axial condenser optimization / Radovan Nosek ... [et al.]. In: Machines, technologies, materials: international journal for science, technics and innovations for the industry. - ISSN 1313-0226. - Vol. 11, no. 3 (2017), s. 103-105. Poznámka: Časopis vychádza aj online s ISSN 1314-507X.[Nosek Radovan (32%) - Gavlas Stanislav (32%) - Lenhard Richard (32%) - Sedlak Veroslav (2%) - Teie Sebastian (2%)]
  • ADE – Working parameters of gas heat pump in use with low-potential geothermal energy [electronic] = Parametry pracy gazowej pompy ciepła wykorzystującej geotermalną niskiej entalpii/ Milan Malcho ... [et al.]. In: Structure and Environment [print, electronic]: Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Energy. - ISSN 2081-1500. - Roč. 10, č. 2 (2018), s. 180-183 [print, online].[Malcho Milan (20%) - Lenhard Richard (20%) - Vantúch Martin (20%) - Kaduchová Katarína (20%) - Puchor Tomáš (20%)]
  • ADE – Concentration optimalization of ethylene glycol in the ground heat exchanger heat pump [print] / Katarína Kaduchová, Richard Lenhard, Milan Malcho. In: Journal of new technologies in environmental science [print]. - ISSN 2544-7017. - Roč. 2, č. 1 (2018), s. 8-12 [print].[Kaduchová Katarína (34%) - Lenhard Richard (33%) - Malcho Milan (33%)]
  • ADE – Accumulation of low-potential thermal energy [print] = Magazynowanie niskotemperaturowej energii geotermalnej / Milan Malcho, Richard Lenhard, Katarína Kaduchová, Peter Ďurčanský. In: Structure and Environment [print, electronic]: Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Energy. - ISSN 2081-1500. - Roč. 10, č. 1 (2018), s. 87-91 [print, online].[Malcho Milan (25%) - Lenhard Richard (25%) - Kaduchová Katarína (25%) -Ďurčanský Peter (25%)]
  • ADF – Vplyv rozostupu a výšky rebier na medznú vrstvu stropného pasívneho chladiaceho konvektora = Influence of distance and height ribs on boundary layer in to the passive roof cooling convector / Lenhard R., Jandačka J., Malcho M. In: Acta Metallurgica Slovaca. - ISSN 1335-1532. - Vol. 15, SI no. 1 (2009), p. 168-173.[Lenhard Richard - Jandačka Jozef - Malcho Milan]
  • AFC – Influence boundary layer on output of cooling in to the roof cooling convector [Vplyv medznej vrstvy na chladiaci výkon stropného chladiaceho konvektora] / Richard Lenhard, Jozef Jandačka. In: IN-TECH 2010: proceedings of international conference on innovative technologies: 14.09.2010 to16.09.2010, Prague, Czech Republic. - [S.l.]: Ing. Jan Kudláček, 2010. - ISBN 978-80-904502-2-6. - S. 168-170. Poznámka: Zborník vyšiel aj na CD s ISBN 978-80-904502-3-3.[Lenhard Richard - Jandačka Jozef]
  • AFC – Thermal performance measurement of heat pipe [Meranie tepelného výkonu tepelnej trubice] / Patrik Nemec, Alexander Čaja, Richard Lenhard. In: Power control and optimization [elektronický zdroj]: proceeding of fourth global conference: 2-4 December 2010, Kuching, Malaysia. - [S.l.: s.n.], 2010. - ISBN 978-983-44483-32. - [2] s. - Požiadavky na systém: CD-ROM mechanika. Poznámka: Vyšiel aj zborník abstraktov; S. 14.[Nemec Patrik (34%) - Čaja Alexander (33%) - Lenhard Richard (33%)]
  • AFC – Mathematical model for transport limitations of heat pipe [Matematický model limitov transportu tepla tepelnej trubice] / Patrik Nemec, Alexander Čaja, Richard Lenhard. In: Power control and optimization [elektronický zdroj]: proceeding of fourth global conference: 2-4 December 2010, Kuching, Malaysia. - [S.l.: s.n.], 2010. - ISBN 978-983-44483-32. - [3] s. - Požiadavky na systém: CD-ROM mechanika. Poznámka: Vyšiel aj zborník abstraktov; S. 14.[Nemec Patrik (34%) - Čaja Alexander (33%) - Lenhard Richard (33%)]
  • AFC – Numerical simulation device for the transport of geothermal heat with forced circulation of media [Zariadenia na simuláciu prenosu geotermálneho tepla s núteným a bez núteného obehu teplonosného média] / Richard Lenhard. In: Power control and optimization [elektronický zdroj]: proceeding of fourth global conference: 2-4 December 2010, Kuching, Malaysia. - [S.l.: s.n.], 2010. - ISBN 978-983-44483-32. - [4] s. - Požiadavky na systém: CD-ROM mechanika. Poznámka: Vyšiel aj zborník abstraktov; S. 13.[Lenhard Richard (100%)]
  • AFC – Numerical simulation of indirectly heated hot water heater / Richard Lenhard ... [et al.]. In: Transport phenomena: the sixth international conference: Ryn, Poland, June 28-July 2, 2011. - [S.l.: s.n., 2011]. - ISBN 978-83-62081-53-0. - S. 445-448.[Lenhard Richard - Kaduchová Katarína - Gavlas Stanislav - Jandačka Jozef]
  • AFC – Optimizing the amount of working fluid heat pipe to transfer heat from the flue gas into the heat transfer medium [Optimalizácia množstva pracovnej látky tepelnej trubice pre prenos tepla zo spalín do teplonosného média] / Štefan Papučík ... [et al.]. In: ICET 2013 [elektronický zdroj]: international congress on engineering and technology: 25th-27th June 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia. - [Prague: RISE Association], 2013. - ISBN 978-80-87670-08-8. - CD-ROM, s. 285-290.[Papučík Štefan (17%) - Lenhard Richard (17%) - Kaduchová Katarína (17%) - Pilát Peter (17%) - Mičieta Jozef (16%) - Jandačka Jozef (16%)]
  • AFC – Application of mathematical simulations of heat pipes for experimental prototype of hot water heating [Aplikácia matematických simulácií tepelných trubíc pre experimentálny prototyp ohrevu teplej vody] / R. Lenhard and. J. Jandačka. In: IN-TECH 2014: international conference on innovative technologies: Leiria, Portugal, 10.-12.09.2014: proceedings. - ISSN 1849-0662. - Rijeka: Faculty of Engineering University, 2014. - ISBN 978-953-6326-88-4. - S. 251-254.[Lenhard Richard (50%) - Jandačka Jozef (50%)]
  • AFC – The performance measurement of the parabolic trough solar collector [Meranie výkonových parametrov parabolického žľabového kolektora] / Jozef Matusov, Peter Durcansky, Richard Lenhard.In: New developments in mechanics and mechanical engineering: proceedings of the international conference on Mechanical engineering (ME 2015): proceedings of the international conference on Theoretical mechanics and applied mechanics (TMAM 2015): Vienna, Austria, March 15-17, 2015. - [S.l.: s.n.], 2015. - ISBN 978-1-61804-288-0. - S. 96-100. - (Recent advances in mechanical engineering series, 13. - ISSN 2227-4596).[Matušov Jozef (40%) - Ďurčanský Peter (30%) - Lenhard Richard (30%)]
  • AFC – Numerical simulation of thermal performance of closed loop pulsating heat pipe / R. Lenhard, Z. Kolková and J. Matušov. In: IN-TECH 2015: proceedings of international conference on Innovative technologies: Dubrovnik, 09.-11.09.2015. - ISSN 1849-0662. - Rijeka: Faculty of Engineering University, 2015. - S. 492-497.[Lenhard Richard (34%) - Kolková Zuzana (33%) - Matušov Jozef (33%)]
  • AFD – Measurement of combustion temperature parameters and heat flow on the heat exchanger model with field-pipes [Meranie parametrov spaľovacích teplôt a tepelného toku na modeli rúrkového výmenníka tepla] / M. Malcho, S. Gavlas, R. Lenhard. In: Acta metallurgica slovaca conference. - ISSN 1338-1660. - Vol. 2, no. 1 (2011), s. 132-137.[Malcho Milan (34%) - Gavlas Stanislav (33%) - Lenhard Richard (33%)]

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